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1.Survey and research activities
 JARi conducts survey and research activities to promote the rolling stock industries.

1)Improvement of productivity
 Through activities with the rolling stock production committee and four sub-committees (productmanagement,car production, electric appliances and outfitting, and bogies), JARi conducts studies on common issues of this fi eld such as manufacturing control technology, product management, and quality control, and is responsible for the
improvement of product management and quality, assuring the safety and reliability of rolling stock.

2)Survey on rolling stock production status
 JARi conducts surveys on rolling stock production status on a regular basis in
cooperation with member companies,and publishes the Annual Report on Manufacturing Rolling Stock and Related Equipment. The Annual Report is distributed to member companies, libraries, public offices, and economic organizations. It is useful for member companies in improving their production activities and also for others in conducting surveys and forecasts on economic and industrial trends and railway transportation.

Annual Report on Manufacturing Rolling
Stockand Related Equipment
  Production statistics graph

3)Rolling stock demand forecasting
 JARi forecasts rolling stock demands and distributes a booklet, Rolling Stock Production Status and Demand Forecasting, which sums up the results. This booklet is also helpful for member companies in performing production activities.

4)Environmental conservation activities
 As a member of the Japan Federation of Economic Organizations, JARi participates in the Voluntary Action Plan on Environment and Commitment to a Low Carbon Society. It conducts a follow-up survey on industrial waste and greenhouse gas emission annually and reports the results to the Japan Federation of Economic Organizations.

5)Digitized information activities
 JARi conducts surveys on the digitized information of member companies and discloses the results to member companies.

6)Commendations for achievements
 Based on the associate's commendation rules, JARi annually presents awards to board members and employees of member companies who have contributed to the development of the rolling stock industries.
 There are three awards: the Rolling Stock Industries Contribution Award, the Rolling Stock Industries Diligence Award, and the Rolling Stock Industries Prominent Skills Award. JARi also endorses candidates for honors, medals, and awards by the Minister of Land, Infrastructure,Transport and Tourism and the Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare.

7)Global market and business research on railways
 JARi conducts research on the global market and international business of railways, centered on
overseas media coverage, and reports the results in the Rolling Stock Industries journal.


2.Survey and research on technology
 JARi conducts survey and research on rolling stock technology.

1)Consolidation of JRIS (Japan Rolling Stock Industries Standard by JARi)
 JARi engages in the consolidation of necessary standards for Japan’s rolling stock industry segments and operators as JRIS, in response to the strategic consolidation of rolling stock industries standards in Europe.

 ・Series D :technical fields in which products and systems developed by specific railway
       operators and manufacturers are verifi ed and other business operators use
 ・Series E :technical and derivational fi elds that can be used on a continuing basis in rolling
       stock industry segments, among discontinued JIS
 ・Series J :technical and derivational fi elds that are affiliated with contents of regulations and
        related standards systems continuously used in rolling stock industry
        segments, among the old Japan National Railways’JRS
 ・Series R :technical fi elds that many railway operators and manufacturers adopt as
 ・Series W:work standards fi eld that many railway operators and manufacturers use

 JARi is also advancing the English version of JRIS to spread
Japan’s railway technology overseas.

2)JRIS Handbook
 JARi publishes the JRIS Handbook, which is classifi ed into eight volumes: (1) common
items, (2) bodies, (3) outfi tting, (4) pipe fi tting, (5) electric cables, (6) electric equipment, (7) brakes, and (8) bogies.
The handbook is regularly updated to refl ect the latest established and revised standards.

JRIS Standard   JRIS Handbook

3)Compiling JIS drafts related to rolling stock
 As an organization in the rolling stock-related JIS council, JARi formulates and revises JIS drafts. Based on requests from the rolling stock industries, it compiles drafts of JIS to match ISO and those needed for overseas development.

4)Cooperation to the Railway International Standards Center
 The Railway Technical Research Institute/Railway International Standards Center is responsible forhandling IEC and ISO. JARi cooperates in the examination and provides information on domestic standards.


3.PR and Education
 JARi promotes PR and educational activities to spread knowledge of rolling stock.

1)Publication of the journal, Rolling Stock Industries
 JARi publishes the Rolling Stock Industries journal quarterly. The journal is distributed widely to member companies, libraries, public offices, economic organizations and railway-related groups, and offers information related to the rolling stock industries. Regular articles include “Interview with Leaders,” “New Products and Technology,” “Overseas Railway Trends,” “Business Topics,”“Visit to a Business Office,” “Association Activities Report,” and “Information on Standardization.”

2)Publication of the professional magazine, Rolling Stock Technology
 JARi publishes Rolling Stock Technology twice a year. It provides detailed information on specifications, formats, device layout drawings, and bogies of newly-built train cars. The magazine is distributed to member companies and gives technological information.
JARi also compiles “Data Book for Specifications of Rolling Stock” by type of train car.

3)Seminars, trial rides, and study tour
 JARi holds two seminars quarterly. One is a basic course to provide basic knowledge of rolling stock, and the other is an advanced course to foster human resources engaged in the rolling stock industries. The advanced course provides useful information about policy trends of national agencies, R&D assignments of research institutions, the overseas railway situation, and maintenance of major railway companies – information that might be diffi cult for individual companies to obtain. Also, JARi arranges trial rides of newly-built train cars and study tour to rolling stock maintenance facilities.

seminar   trial ride   study tour

4)Information transmission using online homepage
 JARi has set up three homepages - one for the public, one for the exclusive homepage members, and an English version - and on them transmits domestic and overseas news related to rolling stock production, statistical data, publications, and standards, in a timely manner, and widely.

The page of JARi's English version homepage   Statictics data of rolling stock production

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